Recognition and Reward

Workplace Factor 7

When employees feel their effort and work is appreciated and valued, they’re more likely to feel motivated to excel, develop a sense of confidence and continue to produce high quality work. A good way of achieving this is through fair and timely recognition and reward.

Here are resources related to recognition and reward.

On the Agenda: Putting Recognition and Reward on the Agenda

On the Agenda offers a series of free workshop and facilitator tools that support all 13 workplace factors. Putting Recognition and Reward on the Agenda focuses on factor 7.

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Creating a Culture of Recognition

This article provides insight on workplace recognition and reward, including what it means to create a culture of recognition, why it’s important to do so and examples of how to create this culture in your workplace.

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Staff Recognition and Appreciation

This article reviews several studies that examine the importance and benefits of recognizing and appreciating workers, beyond simply providing them with bonuses or monetary incentives.

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110 Ways to Appreciate Employees on a Budget

This downloadable PDF outlines a variety of ways to show your appreciation to employees at no or low cost. The ideas are organized by topics such as health and wellbeing, professional development, and onsite and offsite team building.

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For more information, see

13+ Workplace Factors Toolkits

Workplace Safety and Prevention Services