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Roadmap Building Block Three

Create your Action Plan for Building Block 3: Planning.


Current State Assessment of Key Performance Behaviours (KPBs). After your assessment is complete, you’ll be given recommendations that can be used as you begin to build your Roadmap.


Create your roadmap. Using the Building Blocks, it’s time to create a customized Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap for your organization.


The Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap is designed to help you create and implement psychological health and safety initiatives at your workplace.

Roadmap Building Block Six

Create your Action Plan for Building Block 6: Connections.

Clear Leadership and Expectations

Clear leadership and expectations occur when employees understand what they need to do, see how their work contributes to success, and have confidence in their leaders.

Involvement and Influence

A workplace that fosters involvement and influence is one where employees are included in discussions that impact their job and how their work is done.

Work-life Balance

Good work-life balance allows employees to maintain concentration, responsibility and control over their work, while also mitigating the risk of burnout.

Organizational Culture

A positive workplace culture is one where employees feel part of a community who share common goals, beliefs and norms and have a foundation of trust.