Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap
All the tools you need to create and implement a psychological health and safety strategy at your workplace.
- Assess your current state
- Build your action plan
- Monitor your results
Scroll down to learn more
About the Roadmap
The Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap is a free tool that was developed by WSPS in collaboration with Howatt HR Consulting. It offers an evidence-based approach that helps employers create and implement strategies, programs and policies related to psychological health and safety. The Roadmap is designed to complement CSA-Z1003-13 Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (“The National Standard”).*
*CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803/2013 (R2022). Psychological health and safety in the workplace: Prevention, promotion, and guidance to staged implementation (First edition). (2014). CSA Group; Bureau de normalisation du Québec
What's the Difference Between Mental Health and Psychological Safety?
These terms are often used interchangeably. But there are differences.

Mental Health
“A state of well-being in which every individual realizes [their] own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to [their] community”
Psychological Safety
A state in which workers are free from exposure to reasonably foreseeable, significant risks to their mental health arising from the acts and omissions of other people in the workplace so that… there is a low risk of mental injury.
Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace is a Journey
Where is your organization today? And where do you want to go? Organizations can be at different points on the road to a psychologically safe workplace. Please click on each section below to see where your organization is currently.
A psychologically healthy and safe workplace is...
A workplace that promotes workers’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to workers’ psychological health including in neglect, reckless, or intentional ways.The National Standard
Who is Accountable?
Mental health in the workplace requires two-way accountability, and a joint partnership between employers and employees. There’s no single program or policy that will prevent mental harm.
Employer Actions
- Provide acknowledgement and recognition
- Manage workloads
- Communicate roles clearly
- Build trust in managers
- Ensure employees feel psychologically and physically safe
- Maintain positive peer interactions
Employee Actions
- Get enough sleep
- Be physically active, if able
- Make healthy food choices
- Maintain social connections
- Prioritize work-life integration
- Build resiliency
When We Work Together, Everyone Wins
Regardless of the industry you’re in, your people are essential to your organization’s success and sustainability. Protecting their psychological safety is a critical business strategy and has many benefits.
Employer Benefits
- Increased productivity
- Increased recruitment and retention
- Higher engagement
- Reduced absenteeism
- Lower costs associated with mental stress or injury
Employee Benefits
- Lower presenteeism
- Increased mental fitness
- Increased meaningful social connections
- Increased resiliency
- Increased workplace morale
Build Your Roadmap Today
Creating and implementing a mental health prevention strategy might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By addressing the 8 building blocks of psychological safety, you can help prevent mental harm in your workplace.
Ready to Learn More?
Use the WSPS Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap to create a sustainable action plan for your organization.
- 1. Register your account for free.
- 2. Learn how to use the Mental Harm Prevention Roadmap.
- 3. Get Started by building your Action Plan!